Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior is a 1987 fighting game originally developed by Palace Software for various home computer platforms. Known for its brutal combat, decapitations, and its striking box art featuring bodybuilder Michael Van Wijk and model Maria Whittaker, the game quickly became a controversial yet iconic title of its time. In this one-on-one arena fighter, players control warriors in deadly duels, aiming to defeat an evil sorcerer named Drax and rescue a kidnapped princess.
In 2012, the game was unofficially ported to the Sega Mega Drive by an independent developer known as F.L. Using the BasiEgaXorz compiler, the developer successfully recreated the original gameplay, graphics, and sound effects for the 16-bit console. The port stands as a testament to the timeless appeal of the original, offering fans of retro gaming a chance to experience this classic in a new way.