The creators of NewMD Games have an enduring love for the Sega Mega Drive. We are inspired by the incredible fact that, even though official support for the console ended decades ago, new games are still being developed and released for it today. As fans who enjoy organizing and cataloging, we decided to create this website — a comprehensive list of all the games released in the «New» era of Mega Drive. Our mission is to celebrate this vibrant part of retro gaming culture and provide a definitive resource for enthusiasts like us.

How Our Site is Organized

Every game entry on our site is built around five key sections: a brief description of the game, a gallery of in-game screenshots, photographs of any physical releases (when available), gameplay videos, and a block of essential release information. This final section includes our rating of the game, which we strive to make as fair and objective as possible. By structuring our posts this way, we aim to provide a clear, detailed look at each release.

We’ve divided all games into five categories: New Games (entirely new titles), Lost in the 90s (games created in the 1990s but published today),  Ports (games adapted for the Mega Drive from other platforms), Re-Releases (physical reissues of 1990s titles) and Music Albums (music cartridges featuring original soundtracks).  This categorization ensures a well-organized and enjoyable browsing experience.

To make the site even more user-friendly, each post includes hashtags for the game’s genre, developer, and publisher. By clicking on these hashtags, you can quickly find similar releases and explore the rich diversity of the Mega Drive’s modern catalog.

Support Us

This project is ambitious, and we welcome all forms of assistance. Whether it’s recording gameplay footage, creating polished screenshots, or taking beautiful photos of physical editions, your contributions can help make NewMD Games even better. Some games are not part of our collection yet, so any help in acquiring them is greatly appreciated. Visit our Donation Alerts page to find out how you can contribute to this exciting journey, or contact us through the feedback form available on this site.